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Moving, staying and investing in Tamarindo,
what's the best for you?

In this section, you will find some tips regarding the different ways to settle down in Guanacaste:

1.  What statut for you?

There are several options that allow you to stay in the country: Tourist, digital nomad, resident or citizen.

Here after, some tips you need to know to stay as:

- Tourist: It's the easiest way to stay in Costa Rica, and become a perpetual-tourist! As long as you present the requiered documents at the border, there is no obstacle in this procedure.

A touristic visa gives you the right to stay 180 days in the country*. After this period, you have to leave the country to re-new your visa. Note that your driver license validity is extended as well. When you live in Guanacaste, the fastest way is to go to Nicaragua. We do what we call a "border run"

Make sure you have a valid passport, and an exit ticket showing you will leave the country before your stamp expires.

They will ask you where you will stay (prepare name and address), your profession and the reason of your travel.

You'll have to pay different fees, so bring lots of small bills (take $20 in $1).

* Other nationals might not require an entry visa to Costa Rica. To verify all entry requirements according to your nationality please see the following link nationalities

- Digital Nomad:

Basically the only requirements are proof of minimum stable income of $US3,000 per month ($4,000 for a family) for the previous year and proof of health insurance for the year you’re applying for. 

There will also be a significant fee for the visa but the amount is yet to be determined and it’s not clear whether it’s an application fee or only charged once you are granted admission.

Other specific benefits: you can open a bank account and your foreign income will not be subject to local income tax.

The visa can be extended to a second year as long as the holder has spent at least 6 months of the first year in Costa Rica.


- Resident:

It's a long and complicated process if you try to do it on your own. Better if you understand a minimum of Spanish. You can also hire a reliable and reputable professional to assist with the complicated process of maneuvering the procedure.


   1) Pensionado / retiered people

  • Requires proof of US $1,000 per month income from permanent pension source or retirement fund

  • Must visit Costa Rica at least once a year

  • Can claim spouse and dependents under 18 years of age

  • Cannot work as an employee

  • Can own a company and receive dividends

   2) Pensionado Rentista / Legal resident

  • Requires proof of US $2,500 per month income for at least two years, guaranteed by a banking institution, OR a US $60,000 deposit in an approved Costa Rican bank. One amount covers the family.

  • Must visit Costa Rica at least once a year.

  • Can claim spouse and dependents under 18 years of age.

  • Cannot work as an employee.

  • Can own a company and receive dividends.

   3) Rentista Inversionista / Investor

  • Investment of US $150,000 in a business or property

  • Must visit Costa Rica at least once a year

  • Can claim spouse and dependents under 18 years of age

  • Income allowed from the project

  • Can own a company and receive dividends

   4) Permanent Residency / mariage  “Residencia Permanente Por Vinculo”

  • First-degree relative status with a Costa Rican Citizen (through marriage to citizen or having a Costa Rican child) OR may apply after three years in another status

  • Must visit Costa Rica at least once a year

  • Can claim spouse and dependents under 18 years of age

  • Can work

  • Can own a company and receive income

- Citizenship:

If you have been married to a Costa Rican for at least two years, and have remained in the country for at least those two years, or if you have been a resident for at least seven years in Costa Rica, you qualify for naturalization or citizenship.

2.  Renting or Buying?


Costa Rica encourage investment and attract more and more foreigners by giving them advantages when buying in Costa Rica. The price range housing is very wide, depending on the location, the view and the equipment.

The most important is to know what kind of life you want: living in our animated town, close to party and music places, or a little outside more typical and quiet, but in this case you will need a transportation.

   1) Renting

Prices increased drastically since Covid, pushing locals a little further out of the town. As in many countries, Airbnb is flourishing in the best areas, and favorise short term renting. 

You will find downtown Tamarindo rent starting at $500 for a decent one bedroom, probably shared kitchen, very simple.​

Tamarindo and Langosta are the most expensive areas. Refundores, Villareal and Huacas are still affordable.

Our tip: To make a good deal, look for a place in September or October. You will find easily during these month, but get prepared to hear that you have to leave during the high season (mid-December until mid-May).

        Links and tips:


         FACEBOOK Groups:

         Tamarindo Apartment Rentals

         Tamarindo Rentals and Real Estate

   2) Buying

The growing presence of foreigners who are moving to Tamarindo puts an amount of pressure on prices. Come with a real project, and a clear idea of what kind of properties you want. Be realistic as well regarding your budget. Everything is for sale in the area, houses and business, but very high prices. 

Our tip: Make sure the attorney you hire check ALL the documentation: the owner is the real owner, mortages and deeds. All lands of Costa Rica are registered on the Registro de la Propriedad. 

Last but not least, you have to know as foreigner that owners rarely accept financing. You'll have to pay cash.


        Links and tips:


         FACEBOOK Groups:

         Tamarindo Rentals and Real Estate


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